
  • What is the difference between IR and EO cameras?

    Kedu ihe dị iche n'etiti igwefoto IR na EO?

    A bịa na teknụzụ onyunyo ọgbara ọhụrụ, ma igwefoto Infrared (IR) na Electro-Optical (EO) na-apụta dị ka ndị na-agba ọsọ. Nke ọ bụla nwere uru dị iche iche, nuances teknụzụ, na mpaghara ngwa
  • What is the difference between IR and EO cameras?

    Kedu ihe dị iche n'etiti igwefoto IR na EO?

    ● Okwu Mmalite na Igwefoto IR na EO Mgbe a bịara n'ihe gbasara teknụzụ onyonyo, ma igwefoto infrared (IR) na Electro-Optical (EO) na-ejikarị eme ihe n'ofe ụlọ ọrụ dị iche iche. Ịghọta ndịiche
  • Are bullet cameras better than dome cameras?

    Igwefoto mgbọ ọ dị mma karịa igwefoto dome?

    Okwu Mmalite nke Igwefoto onyunyoN'ụwa taa, nchekwa na onyunyo bụ ihe kacha mkpa, na ịhọrọ igwefoto ziri ezi bụ mkpebi siri ike maka ngwa obibi na nke azụmahịa.
  • What is an eo ir camera?

    Kedu ihe bụ igwefoto eo ir?

    Okwu mmalite nke EO/IR CamerasEO/IR, dị mkpụmkpụ maka Electro - Igwefoto ngwa anya/Infrared, na-anọchite anya ngwakọta teknụzụ ọgbara ọhụrụ emebere iji nye ikike ịse foto na-enweghị atụ n'ofe w w.
  • Are IR and thermal cameras the same?

    Igwefoto IR na thermal bụ otu?

    Nkọwa nke Igwefoto IR na Thermal ● Gịnị bụ teknụzụ infrared (IR)? Teknụzụ infrared (IR) na-ezo aka n'ụdị radieshon electromagnetic nke dị n'etiti ọkụ a na-ahụ anya na radieshon microwave o.
  • What does EO IR stand for in cameras?

    Kedu ihe EO IR pụtara na igwefoto?

    Okwu Mmalite nke EO/IR Technology na Igwefoto● Nkọwa na nbibi nke EO/IRElectro-Technology Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) bụ isi nkuku n'ụwa nke usoro ihe onyonyo dị elu. EO na-ezo aka na
  • What is an lwir camera?

    Kedu ihe bụ igwefoto lwir?

    Okwu mmalite nke Igwefoto LwirLong - Wave Infrared (LWIR) bụ ngwaọrụ onyonyo pụrụ iche na-ejide radieshon infrared n'ime ogologo ogologo - ebili mmiri infrared spectrum, na-adịkarị site na 8 ruo 14 micrometers. U
  • What is an EO IR camera?

    Kedu ihe bụ igwefoto EO IR?

    Okwu Mmalite nke Igwefoto Eo Ir● Nkọwa na Nzube Igwefoto IR, nke a makwaara dị ka Electro-igwefoto infrared anya, bụ ngwaọrụ eserese ọkaibe nke jikọtara ma electro-optical na infrare
  • Why you need OIS Function

    Ihe mere ị chọrọ ọrụ OIS

    N'ihe gbasara nkwụsi ike onyonyo, anyị na-ahụkarị EIS (dabere na algọridim sọftụwia ma ugbu a na-akwado ya na ngwaahịa ngwaahịa Savgood zuru oke) yana ọrụ OIS (dabere na usoro anụ ahụ). OIS bụ th
  • Different Wave Length Camera

    Igwefoto Ogologo Ogologo Ogo dị iche iche

    Anyị savgood agba mbọ na-emeso dị iche iche nso nke ngọngọ igwefoto modul, gụnyere ụbọchị (anya) igwefoto, LWIR (thermal) igwefoto ugbu a, na SWIR igwefoto n'ọdịnihu dị nso.Ụbọchị igwefoto: Visible lightNear.
  • Advantage of thermal imaging camera

    Uru nke igwefoto onyonyo thermal

    Igwefoto foto thermal nke infrared na-enwekarị akụrụngwa optomechanical, ihe nlebara anya/mbugharị, ihe nrụzi n'ime adịghị -
  • Security Application of Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera

    Ngwa Nchekwa nke Igwefoto Igwe ọkụ ọkụ

    Site na nleba anya analọg gaa na onyunyo dijitalụ, site na nkọwa ọkọlọtọ ruo elu-nkọwa, site na ìhè a na-ahụ anya gaa na infrared, onyunyo vidiyo enweela nnukwu mmepe na mgbanwe. Na p
Ngụkọta 61

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