Akụkọ ụlọ ọrụ

  • Different Wave Length Camera

    Igwefoto Ogologo Ogologo Ogo dị iche iche

    Anyị savgood agba mbọ na-emeso dị iche iche nso nke ngọngọ igwefoto modul, gụnyere ụbọchị (anya) igwefoto, LWIR (thermal) igwefoto ugbu a, na SWIR igwefoto n'oge dị nso. Igwefoto ụbọchị: Visible lightNear
  • Advantage of thermal imaging camera

    Uru nke igwefoto onyonyo thermal

    Igwefoto foto thermal nke infrared na-enwekarị akụrụngwa optomechanical, ihe nlebara anya/mbugharị, ihe nrụzi n'ime adịghị -
  • Security Application of Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera

    Ngwa Nchekwa nke Igwefoto Igwe ọkụ ọkụ

    Site na nleba anya analọg gaa na onyunyo dijitalụ, site na nkọwa ọkọlọtọ ruo elu-nkọwa, site na ìhè a na-ahụ anya gaa na infrared, onyunyo vidiyo enweela nnukwu mmepe na mgbanwe. Na p

Hapụ Ozi Gị