Xov Xwm Tuam Txhab

  • Different Wave Length Camera

    Lub koob yees duab sib txawv Wave Length

    Peb savgood tau cog lus los cuam tshuam nrog ntau yam ntawm thaiv lub koob yees duab module, suav nrog hnub (pom) lub koob yees duab, LWIR (thermal) lub koob yees duab tam sim no, thiab SWIR lub koob yees duab nyob ze yav tom ntej.Hnub lub koob yees duab: Pom lub teebNear
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  • Advantage of thermal imaging camera

    Qhov zoo ntawm thermal imaging lub koob yees duab

    Infrared thermal imaging koob yees duab feem ntau yog tsim los ntawm optomechanical Cheebtsam, tsom/zoom Cheebtsam, internal non-uniformity kho Cheebtsam (tom qab no hu mus rau sab hauv yog raug.
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  • Security Application of Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera

    Daim ntawv thov kev ruaj ntseg ntawm Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera

    Los ntawm kev soj ntsuam analog mus rau digital soj ntsuam, los ntawm tus qauv txhais mus rau siab - txhais, los ntawm pom lub teeb mus rau infrared, kev soj ntsuam video tau dhau los ua kev txhim kho thiab hloov pauv. Hauv p
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